About Cermetek Microelectronics AquaMon Group


Cermetek was formed in the 1981 to design and sell communications components to original equipment manufacturers.
Several years ago Cermetek merged with another small company (Xecom, Inc.) with a similar product line. At the time of the merger both companies made embedded communications components - mainly telephone interface modules (DAAs), wired and wireless modems. After the merger, Cermetek began to expand its traditional products into Internet-based systems developing new proprietary software for viewing and managing sensor data, and remotely controlling devices from anywhere at any time - the very heart of the Internet of Things.

The new product line developed into the AquaMon remote control and monitoring system for agriculture.
AquaMon systems include field sensors, equipment actuators, wireless sensor nodes and a web based software application. More recently Cermetek has worked with researchers at the University of California at Davis to bring a revolutionary crop water stress monitor to production, LeafMon. LeafMon uses patented technology to determine a plants water stress through various environmental sensors. LeafMon is the first instrument that provides the grower with automated monitoring his crop's water stress level daily throughout the growing season. LeafMon tells the grower when his crops need water allowing for true precision irrigation.

Cermetek is the rare small company which is fully self-reliant from conception to production.
Cermetek performs its own hardware and software engineering, and system manufacturing. This gives Cermetek full control over the performance and quality of AquaMon products.

While focused on agricultural applications Cermetek's AquaMon group can customize AquaMon systems to support related applications.
AquaMon systems have been adapted to applications such as Water System management, Sewer Controls, and Industrial System Monitoring. AquaMon's basic building blocks of sensors, actuators, wireless sensor nodes and web based application software are the basic building blocks of many IOT (Internet of Things) applications..